Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Sunday, March 30
- Saturday, April 5
- Friday, April 18
- Monday, April 21
- Monday, April 28
The Sudie TAG PTA's mission, in common with the Texas PTA, is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. Our PTA is over 400 members strong and growing every day! If you're not an official member yet, please join.
As a general rule, PTA Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month @ 6:30 PM but there are some exceptions due to days off, etc. Check out the calendar section to see when the next meeting is scheduled and plan to join us.
2023-2024 PTA Board of Directors
President | Martha Vu | sudieptapres@gmail.com |
VP Membership | Abby Foreman | abigail.foreman11@yahoo.com |
VP Programs (Students/Family) | Ashlea Bennett | sudieptaprograms@gmail.com |
VP Ways/Means | Jimmy Tran | jimmy.j.tran@gmail.com |
VP Student Clubs/Activities | Lily Strong | lilystro@gmail.com |
VP Faculty Relations | Heather Squibb | heatherd618@yahoo.com |
Treasurer | Tina Luna | martina.dai.luna@gmail.com |
Secretary | Kendall McKimmey | kendallmckimmey@hotmail.com |
Parliamentarian | Shona Bell | smgbell@gmail.com |
Communications | Lisa Haayen | lhaayen@gmail.com |
We are actively working on filling roles for the 2024-2025 PTA Board and committees. We would love your help! Below is a complete list of positions and responsibilities.
President Presides over all board and general meetings. Serves as member of all committees except Nominating and Reconciliation. Represents Sudie TAG in the community, SBDM, PTO & House Council.
VP Membership Recruit new members year-round to achieve goals, collects dues and maintains membership records. Reports membership to Texas PTA. Manages Grade Level Reps and Homeroom parent selection for 4th/5th. Oversees pop-up budgets and ensures planned within PTA/school agreed guidelines. Partners with VP Comm to disseminate communications. Collects volunteer of the month nominations, presents at monthly board meeting to vote & recognizes at the following general membership meeting.
VP Programs Coordinates the work of sub committees including their plan of work and budget to create successful school events throughout the year.
VP Faculty Relations Coordinates the work of sub committees including their plan of work and budget to create successful staff appreciation events.
VP Ways & Means Coordinates fundraising activities of the Sudie PTA which support Sudie’s educational and enrichment activities.
VP Student Clubs & Activities Coordinates with staff to support student activities and school clubs. Help promote various student competitions and recognize student achievement in respective areas.
VP Communications Manages the communication of PTA activities, including newsletters, social media, grade level GroupMe’s and website.
Secretary Maintains all official records of PTA. Records all minutes during board and general meetings. Presents minutes from previous meetings.
Treasurer Maintains budget and presents monthly to executive board and at membership meetings. Processes check requests, deposits, and reconciles bank statements. Reviews standing rules to ensure internal controls are documented.
Parliamentarian Advises the officers on questions of parliamentary procedure. Organizes Nominating Committee. Updates/presides over bylaw and/or standing rules, including submission to Texas State PTA.
Grade Level Representative
4th & 5th Grade: Connects with teacher grade level lead and selected homeroom parents to plan pop up parties throughout the year. Sends correspondence to full grade regarding school events via GroupMe and needs to homeroom parents throughout the year. Helps find parent volunteers to meet teacher lead requests. Creates a sense of community among families by encouraging low to no-cost get togethers organized with room parents. Manages PTA sponsored budget for parties/class focused events. Has positive attitude and answers questions or tries to find answers to grade level questions that arise in GroupMe discussion.
Middle School: Builds a team of parents to help with grade level events (i.e. dances, get togethers, auction baskets, lunch pop up parties) and manages overall budget. Connects with grade level teacher leads to support grade level requests. Sends correspondence regarding school events via GroupMe throughout the year. Helps find parent volunteers to meet teacher requests. Creates a sense of community among families by encouraging low to no-cost get-togethers outside of school with team. Notifies parents of teachers' birthdays and holiday wishes. Has a positive attitude and answers questions or tries to find answers to grade level questions that arise in GroupMe discussion.
Volunteer Coordinator
Works with committee chairs to secure volunteers for PTA sponsored events. Plans and promotes volunteer orientation/training for parents in September and volunteer appreciation events and maintains volunteer hour records. Keep record of parents interested in volunteering during nominating committee to reference during school year.
BOY/EOY Celebration
Plan beginning of year and end of year celebration for current Sudie students.
Lions Parent Preview
Parent Orientation during new students Lions Camp.
Magnet Educational Program
Collaborates with Travis TAG's programs chair to secure a speaker, and venue to speak directly to parents of our TAG communities. Must agree on a relevant topic that speaks to parent interest. This role is most active from November - January.
Grandfriends Day
Works with school to coordinate invitations and details of the breakfast and presentation. Works with Sudie staff and Reflections Chair for various presentations of student work. This event is typically held the last day before Thanksgiving Break.
Cultural Night
Works with a committee and coordinates with the school to provide an interactive, educational event showcasing the cultures and countries represented by Sudie families. Subcommittee positions include, but are not limited to volunteers, live performances, budget, decor, school liaison, communications/marketing. liaison. This position is active from November - February.
Talent Show
Coordinates talent show including acts, MCs, preview, dress rehearsal, show, programs. Each of these areas should be a subcommittee position.
Career Day
Works with school in the spring to coordinate Career Day including speakers/hospitality. This event is typically held the last day before Spring Break.
Acceptance Night
Coordinates event with school to welcome new students admitted to Sudie. This role is most active February-April.
Spring Movie Night
Movie Night to be held after Acceptance Night to welcome new families, as well as offer a spring Sudie family fun evening event! This role is most active March-April.
Appreciation Week Coordinators
Coordinates activities, such as yard signs, student contributions, and PTA gifts for staff members during their appreciation week. Separate weeks for Custodians, Nurse, Counselor, Administrative Support Staff, Administrative Staff, Cafeteria Staff, and Teachers throughout the year. For Teacher Appreciation Week, a detailed schedule with a theme is encouraged for the week. Each position works about 3 weeks before the specific week to advertise but the majority of work is done within the one assigned week. Comes on campus at least 2 times during the assigned appreciation week. Best done with co-leads for each week and a team of 5 for Teacher Appreciation Week.
Secret Pal Coordinator
Organizes staff secret pal programs and sends reminders. Starts in August and runs through the year. Coordinates an end-of-year reveal in May.
Teacher Wish List
Coordinates with staff on Wish Lists, including explaining the process, providing instructions and request forms, evaluating requests, notifying staff whether requests have been granted and advising staff how to obtain reimbursement from PTA. Outreach to all staff throughout the year to ensure the staff is utilizing this resource.
Staff Hospitality Coordinator
Coordinates breakfasts/luncheons throughout the year for teachers/staff (i.e. back to school breakfast, New Years after winter break, take/go meals during parent/teacher conferences, end of year).
Winter Purse Collection
Winter Purse is funded by PTO but PTA provides support. This position organizes the drive to collect monetary donations which are divided among all staff to serve as an end of year bonus. The drive runs in the early part of December. Money is given to staff at the PTA winter luncheon. This position works in conjunction with the hospitality team to make sure the presentation of the lunch and purse are coordinated.
Back to School Faculty Appreciation
Coordinates meals and treats for staff during Professional Development days before the students return to school. This position only works the two weeks before school returns.
Themed Staff Appreciation Weeks Coordinator
Coordinate themed week before winter break and before spring break; work within budget to provide some items, recruit other groups to help cover both groups.
Lounge Appreciation
Creates SUG for families to stock the lounge. Advertises as needed to ensure SUG is filled. Sends info and reminder week before to the upcoming stockers. Ensures sign in lounge is changed out each Monday to acknowledge the family stocking the lounge.
Bulletin Board Decorations
Decorate upstairs and downstairs teacher lounge bulletin boards, as well as downstairs hallway bulletin on a monthly basis.
North Texas Giving Day Campaign
Plans, promotes, and executes primary annual fundraising campaign in the fall (North Texas Giving Day). Maintains donation records and provides tax forms to donors. (September). Sends thank you notes to big donors following Give Day.
Sudie Swag
Coordinates and facilitates the design, ordering, inventory and delivery of Sudie spirit wear and Sudie Swag merchandise. Activities throughout the year.
Spirit Nights/Sudie Suppers
Solicits restaurants to provide “give back” events for Sudie. Activities throughout the year.
School Supplies
Works in the spring to organize the order and parent purchase of school supplies. Works with teachers and school to determine needs and circulates info to parents. Helps coordinate delivery to the school/classrooms.
Incentive/Rewards Programs
Plans and implements box top collection programs, Kroger support, Mabel's Label's, Green Works, and identifies additional sources of income through retail loyalty programs and other initiatives that benefit schools and nonprofits.
Concession Coordinator
Organize PTA sponsored concessions for events including, but not limited to, Talent Show, Open House, Activities Fair, Movie Night.
Used Uniform Sales
Collects used uniforms in May through summer. Sorts clothes and publicizes events (collaborate with Communications). Hosts uniform sale at Open House/Meet the Teacher in August, Activity Fair, with optional second sale in second semester.
Educates parents and students on this national PTA arts program, manages entry deadlines and submission details, and assists with judging, data entry, and end of year ceremony. November.
Sudie Sports Liaison
Supports Sudie Sports Coordinator. Coordinates with third party programs to create Sudie teams in sports such as soccer, flag football, volleyball, and basketball for all Sudie students; manages Sudie-branded uniforms; facilitates establishment of clubs for other sports such as track & field, golf and lacrosse as needed. Activity throughout the year but concentrated at the beginning of fall, winter, and spring seasons. Role also supports Acceptance Night with providing information on Sudie Sports for newly accepted students.
Student Activity Fair
Coordinates Student/Parent Activity Fair in August to present all school activities available to students (UIL, DI, Garden Club, Sports, etc.). Collaborate with faculty sponsors. Role also supports Acceptance Night with providing information on student activities for newly accepted students.
Field Day
Partners with PE teachers on pre-event organization and volunteer coordination for this annual event.
Newsletter/eNews Chair
Compiles and distributes a weekly newsletter. Works closely with Administrative Staff to ensure information is communicated to Sudie families. Activity throughout the year.
Newsletter/eNews Asst.
Assists eNews chair as needed with weekly duties.
Graphic Designer
Supports PTA with creating graphics as needed. Could include images for social media, enews, etc. Activity throughout the year.
Maintains content and design of PTA website. Activity throughout the year, with more updates at the beginning of the year.
Social Media
Posts to Sudie Facebook page on PTA’s behalf. Monitors questions and coordinates responses. Activity throughout the year.
Social Media
Follow us on the Sudie PTA Facebook page